This massage is performed manually on the areas of greatest fat accumulation, for example, buttocks, abdomen, and legs. This massage improves circulation, the expulsion of toxins, and can help to reduce from 5 to 10 cm in the area worked.
It is very popular in people who have undergone aesthetic procedures to reduce measures, as it helps to maintain the results for longer without invasive methodologies.


This massage is performed manually on the areas of greatest fat accumulation, for example, buttocks, abdomen, and legs. This massage improves circulation, the expulsion of toxins, and can help to reduce from 5 to 10 cm in the area worked.
It is very popular in people who have undergone aesthetic procedures to reduce measures, as it helps to maintain the results for longer without invasive methodologies.


This massage is performed manually on the areas of greatest fat accumulation, for example, buttocks, abdomen, and legs. This massage improves circulation, the expulsion of toxins, and can help to reduce from 5 to 10 cm in the area worked.
It is very popular in people who have undergone aesthetic procedures to reduce measures, as it helps to maintain the results for longer without invasive methodologies.


This is a massage performed with wooden instruments that help tone, firm and shape the figure.
Thanks to this therapy you can eliminate fat accumulated in different areas of the body, that is why it has an anti-cellulite action and helps to relieve fluid retention.
With wood therapy you can improve the tone of your body, and can be applied on the bust, arms and legs, even on the face.
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, wood therapy has a relaxing potential, reduces stress levels and relieves pain.


This is a massage performed with wooden instruments that help tone, firm and shape the figure.
Thanks to this therapy you can eliminate fat accumulated in different areas of the body, that is why it has an anti-cellulite action and helps to relieve fluid retention.
With wood therapy you can improve the tone of your body, and can be applied on the bust, arms and legs, even on the face.
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, wood therapy has a relaxing potential, reduces stress levels and relieves pain.


This is a massage performed with wooden instruments that help tone, firm and shape the figure.
Thanks to this therapy you can eliminate fat accumulated in different areas of the body, that is why it has an anti-cellulite action and helps to relieve fluid retention.
With wood therapy you can improve the tone of your body, and can be applied on the bust, arms and legs, even on the face.
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, wood therapy has a relaxing potential, reduces stress levels and relieves pain.


This is done using suction cups that lift the skin, and then a massage is performed that increases the buttocks, because the idea of this is to move fat to the buttocks to increase their volume and lift them.
With this procedure, you will have firmer skin, greater skin elasticity, decreased muscle tension, promotes good circulation and proper elimination of toxins.


This is done using suction cups that lift the skin, and then a massage is performed that increases the buttocks, because the idea of this is to move fat to the buttocks to increase their volume and lift them.
With this procedure, you will have firmer skin, greater skin elasticity, decreased muscle tension, promotes good circulation and proper elimination of toxins.


This is done using suction cups that lift the skin, and then a massage is performed that increases the buttocks, because the idea of this is to move fat to the buttocks to increase their volume and lift them.
With this procedure, you will have firmer skin, greater skin elasticity, decreased muscle tension, promotes good circulation and proper elimination of toxins.


This procedure is used to help develop muscles in the body in a non-invasive, for this, high intensity electromagnetic energy is used, and is directed to the specific area, in which several contractions are generated that improve the tone and strength of the muscles.
The EmSculpt treatment will help reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, improve physical condition, improve metabolism, increase muscular endurance and improve muscular and skeletal disorders, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who suffer from frequent back pain due to lack of strength in the spine.


This procedure is used to help develop muscles in the body in a non-invasive, for this, high intensity electromagnetic energy is used, and is directed to the specific area, in which several contractions are generated that improve the tone and strength of the muscles.
The EmSculpt treatment will help reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, improve physical condition, improve metabolism, increase muscular endurance and improve muscular and skeletal disorders, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who suffer from frequent back pain due to lack of strength in the spine.


This procedure is used to help develop muscles in the body in a non-invasive, for this, high intensity electromagnetic energy is used, and is directed to the specific area, in which several contractions are generated that improve the tone and strength of the muscles.
The EmSculpt treatment will help reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, improve physical condition, improve metabolism, increase muscular endurance and improve muscular and skeletal disorders, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who suffer from frequent back pain due to lack of strength in the spine.


In these types of massage, a strong pressure is applied to the area to be worked on, at a higher speed than that which would be applied in a common massage, in order to eliminate fat accumulations, improve circulation, metabolism, and increase caloric consumption.
Among the benefits of these massages are obtaining visible results after 3 sessions, especially the reduction of measures, molding of the figure, improving the appearance of cellulite and skin in general.


In these types of massage, a strong pressure is applied to the area to be worked on, at a higher speed than that which would be applied in a common massage, in order to eliminate fat accumulations, improve circulation, metabolism, and increase caloric consumption.
Among the benefits of these massages are obtaining visible results after 3 sessions, especially the reduction of measures, molding of the figure, improving the appearance of cellulite and skin in general.


In these types of massage, a strong pressure is applied to the area to be worked on, at a higher speed than that which would be applied in a common massage, in order to eliminate fat accumulations, improve circulation, metabolism, and increase caloric consumption.
Among the benefits of these massages are obtaining visible results after 3 sessions, especially the reduction of measures, molding of the figure, improving the appearance of cellulite and skin in general.


This therapy is based on the introduction of vitamins and minerals intravenously, which result in an increase in well-being.
The most known benefits of this therapy are stress reduction, detox action, overweight control and the best known, anti-aging actions on the skin.
It also has the potential to strengthen the immune system, improve the hydration of the body and improve both mental and physical performance.


This therapy is based on the introduction of vitamins and minerals intravenously, which result in an increase in well-being.
The most known benefits of this therapy are stress reduction, detox action, overweight control and the best known, anti-aging actions on the skin.
It also has the potential to strengthen the immune system, improve the hydration of the body and improve both mental and physical performance.


This therapy is based on the introduction of vitamins and minerals intravenously, which result in an increase in well-being.
The most known benefits of this therapy are stress reduction, detox action, overweight control and the best known, anti-aging actions on the skin.
It also has the potential to strengthen the immune system, improve the hydration of the body and improve both mental and physical performance.


These massages are performed at strategic points of the body, with the aim of improving the circulation of lymph, and thus avoid issues such as edema, swelling, and blockages.
Draining and improving lymph circulation helps to eliminate excess fluids, reduce swelling from fluid retention, improves the body’s defenses, the appearance of the skin, relaxes the nervous system and stimulates kidney function.


These massages are performed at strategic points of the body, with the aim of improving the circulation of lymph, and thus avoid issues such as edema, swelling, and blockages.
Draining and improving lymph circulation helps to eliminate excess fluids, reduce swelling from fluid retention, improves the body’s defenses, the appearance of the skin, relaxes the nervous system and stimulates kidney function.


These massages are performed at strategic points of the body, with the aim of improving the circulation of lymph, and thus avoid issues such as edema, swelling, and blockages.
Draining and improving lymph circulation helps to eliminate excess fluids, reduce swelling from fluid retention, improves the body’s defenses, the appearance of the skin, relaxes the nervous system and stimulates kidney function.


Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage technique, aimed at people with circulation issues, especially in the lower body, improving problems such as tired legs, spider veins, edema, cellulite and irregular accumulations of fat.
From the pressure created by air, you can improve circulation, purify accumulated fluids, improve muscle tone and stimulate the immune system.


Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage technique, aimed at people with circulation issues, especially in the lower body, improving problems such as tired legs, spider veins, edema, cellulite and irregular accumulations of fat.
From the pressure created by air, you can improve circulation, purify accumulated fluids, improve muscle tone and stimulate the immune system.


Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage technique, aimed at people with circulation issues, especially in the lower body, improving problems such as tired legs, spider veins, edema, cellulite and irregular accumulations of fat.
From the pressure created by air, you can improve circulation, purify accumulated fluids, improve muscle tone and stimulate the immune system.


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